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Thumbnail for 'The Republican Party: A Coalition of the Four Dominant Types of Conservative Groups Identified in the Republican Party. How They Evolved and Influenced the Republican Party and Current Politics.'
For the sake of simplicity, one may apportion the Republican Party core into four groups; business and economic conservatives; neoconservatives; social and religious conservatives; and Tea Party-libertarian adherents. Although there are certain beliefs and traits most Republicans share, one must be careful about grouping all conservatives together as a monolithic group and this four part coding helps highlight both commonalities and distinctions.
Thumbnail for 'Survival of Spirit: A Social History of the Incarcerated Japanese Americans of World War II'
The study of World War II Japanese American removal and incarceration remains fresh and interesting, even though it happened decades ago1 Despite the best efforts of those who had been uprooted, deprived of unalienable rights, and held captive against their will for over three years, little redress was to be found for more than a generation. A partial and belated governmental recognition and rectification finally came, but its insufficiency further...
Thumbnail for 'Fort Foster and the Second Seminole War'
During the Seminole Wars in Florida, the United States Army constructed over 200 fortifications in its efforts to push the Seminoles South and force them into compliance with the Unites States Government's plan to remove them to the west. The major tactic of General Thomas Jesup, the supreme commander in Florida, was the construction of numerous fortifications that supplied the troops with the materials required to wage a successful campaign. The...
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This thesis has two main goals. First, it aims to resolve once and for all whether or not there was ever a history of African Americans in Napa County. It seems like a relatively simple question with an obvious answer, yet the population has always been so small that even Black Napans often joke with each other, "What Black people?" When white people are asked to discuss local African Americans, they usually either recite an urban legend about the...
Thumbnail for 'Wyoming Coal and its Place in the American West'
To define the American West is a daunting task for any scholar. Ideas of the American West permeate around its location, development, continuity and historical reference in time. The purpose of Wyoming Coal and Its Place in the American West is to identify the role assumed by Wyoming coal production concerning the American West. To better understand the contributions of Wyoming coal, three aspects will addressed; 1) Wyoming's territorial and state...
Thumbnail for 'Prohibition for the Other Guy, Not for Me: Dry Spokane and the Symbolism of Temperance'
In Washington State, the era of Prohibition spanned more than fifteen parched years. Begim1ing with the passage of the anti-saloon Initiative Number Three in 1914 and closing with the repeal of statewide Prohibition more than a full year before the 1933 ratification of the Twenty First Amendment, the Evergreen State's experience with de jure temperance continues to provide students of American history with fresh opportunities for reappraisal. Using...
Thumbnail for 'The City of Spindles Meets Its Match: How the Female Operatives in Lowell, MA Developed into Labor Advocates and Altered Women's History'
In an unassuming rural town in Massachusetts during the early 1800's a revolution in American economy and women's rights was born. Lowell, Massachusetts, on the Merrimack River, was the home of the textile industry in America. The Boston Associates, the brains and funds behind the textile mills, unwittingly set up a system, The Waltham-Lowell system, in order to maintain a paternalistic control over the female operatives at the Lowell textile mills....
Thumbnail for 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Mancos Civilian Public Service Camp No. 111'
The establishment of the Selective Service System (SSS) by Congress was intended for conscientious objectors to serve their country during World War II without compromising their principles. On July 1, 1943, the SSS opened the Civilian Public Service Camp #111 at Jackson Gulch, in Mancos, Colorado. The director of the Selective Service was General Lewis B. Hershey; he oversaw the implementation of section 5g that created the non-combat service that...
Thumbnail for 'The Cockle and the Chaff: Mississippi Catholics and School Desegregation'
In 1970, Mississippi's Catholic schools began to actively desegregate. The decision to integrate came sixteen years after the Brown v. Board of Education federal mandate that American schools desegregate with all deliberate speed. The following thesis will examine why it took the Catholic Church in Mississippi so long to adhere to the Supreme Court's decision. This thesis will argue that Mississippi's two bishops during the Civil Rights era were...
Thumbnail for 'Their Harrowing Experience: A Social History of the Spanish Influenza Among the People of New Mexico, 1918-1919'
The Spanish Influenza of 1918-19 affected everyone on the globe. The first known H1N1 virus, it caused unprecedented morbidity and mortality. Unlike other viruses, its potential for developing into bacterial pneumonia made it especially dangerous in an age without the benefit of antibiotics. When the influenza arrived in New Mexico during the fall of 1918, the state lacked a centralized department of health to assist in combating the epidemic by providing...
Thumbnail for 'The American Glider Program of World War II'
Much as the glider program has oftentimes been overlooked by popular culture since the end of the war, so too has the program been largely overlooked by many academic studies of the war. Only a handful of books have been devoted to the glider program and many of those books were memoirs written by the pilots themselves. When looking at the few books devoted entirely to the program, three historical questions come up when looking at the glider program....
Thumbnail for 'Benevolent Business: Edward G. Stoiber and the Silver Lake Mining Complex'
The search for mineral wealth in Colorado led to the exploration of isolated areas like Silver Lake Basin in the San Juan Mountains. As surface ores were exhausted, miners were forced to increase the depth of vertical shafts where they confronted increasingly complex ores that required sophisticated equipment and engineering expertise to extract. Remote communities like Silverton sought Eastern investment to provide the capital necessary for development,...
Thumbnail for 'Mile High Magic: An Analysis of the Impact of Professional Sports in Denver'
The city of Denver has evolved from a humble pair of mining settlements to a large and booming metropolis. The city has experienced growth in industry and changes in generating its economic revenue. Denver began as a burgeoning settlement that relied heavily on the extraction and selling of natural resources such as silver and gold. After WWII, Denver began expanding into other industries and differentiated its ways to expand. What resulted the second...
Thumbnail for 'Silt: The Stout Foundations of a Western Slope Town'
Located on the Western Slope of Colorado, Silt is largely overlooked compared to its larger neighbors in Garfield County. While other towns in the county were founded for mining opportunities or as tourist destinations, Silt started as a crossroads for those working in agriculture. To many people that are unfamiliar to the area, the town is unique only for its quirky name, but the town has a rich history of growth and struggles that closely mirror...
Thumbnail for 'The Soul of Magic City: Religion in Roanoke, Virginia, 1882-1914'
Historians of American religion have recently written about the existence of religious diversity, which was especially evident in the American South. Although many have tended to target their research on social issues and politics, denominational distinctiveness in theological beliefs and practices ought to be seen as yet another form of diversity. Roanoke, Virginia may not be as well known as other Southern cities, such as Richmond or Atlanta, but...
Thumbnail for 'Colonial Land Policy and Cultural Change in the Northern Mariana Islands'
For over four hundred years, colonial governments in the Northern Mariana Islands controlled resource development through the enforcement of land policy. While largely economic in nature, these land policies resulted in dramatic cultural changes for the native Chamorro people. However, as a self-determined United States territory, the indigenous government of the Northern Marianas has expropriated this framework of colonial land policy and transformed...
Thumbnail for 'Mountain Bike Capital U.S.A: The Development of a Mountain Bike Town'
Grand County, Colorado boasts itself as "Mountain Bike Capital U.S.A. Though determining whether or not the county is worthy of such a title would be a worthwhile effort, this thesis instead focuses on how mountain biking became an economic driver for the mountain towns in Grand County. Through dissecting national trends, local business practices and personal interviews it was clear several groups had a hand in creating this mountain bike reinforced...
Thumbnail for 'How Three 1970s Musicals Probed Disillusionment with the American Dream'
Three Broadway musicals from throughout the 1970s- in the intentions of their creators and actors, in the reception by critics and audiences, and in the messages of the book and music themselves- reflected larger social issues of the time. Follies (1971) illustrated a narcissistic generation's concerns about marriage and aging, using as its fractured, nostalgic lens the lighthearted entertainment that existed before World War II. A Chorus Line (1975)...
Thumbnail for 'The Making Of A Massacre: The Escalation Of Filibustering In Sonora, 1850-1857'
Between 1850 and 1857 six separate filibustering attempts left from San Francisco in hopes of conquest in Sonora, Mexico. Three U.S. citizens and three Frenchmen, all being drawn to California during the gold rush, failed to have their fortunes materialize. These adventurers desired more than California could offer and each organized groups to travel south in search of land, fame, and fortune in the northern Mexican state. Each group had its own motivations...
Thumbnail for 'Ghetto Nation: Black Power and the Detroit Rebellion of 1967'
By the 1960s, millions of African Americans faced pervasive discrimination in housing, education, employment, and law enforcement in the wholly unprecedented environment of the American ghetto. In the urban areas where institutional racism was most oppressive and the evolution of civil rights activity was most acute, violence was inevitable. After several long, hot summers of urban unrest throughout the United States, Detroit, Michigan exploded on...